Pattie Thornley (Body Control Pilates Master Matwork Teacher, Register of Exercise Professionals Level 4) Pattie has had over 30 years of bodywork experience. After qualifying as an instructor of Shintaido, a Japanese martial art, she studied shiatsu in England and went on to train in Amma, traditional Japanese massage, in San Francisco. She worked as an Amma practitioner for 13 years, based in major companies in the Bristol area (BBC, Hewlett Packard, AXA Sun Life) before training as a Body Control Pilates instructor. Pilates is now her passion and since 2002 she has dedicated her time solely to teaching Pilates.

Pilates Classes at Stoke Bishop Village Hall are on Wednesdays and Fridays – see detailed schedule:


You can make up any missed sessions by coming to other classes before the end of the term. Regrettably, refunds cannot be made for missed sessions nor is it possible to transfer sessions onto the following term.

Age range: 15+.

Pattie teaches nine different classes in various venues in the Bristol area.
For more information about classes: 0117 929 4632,